Video Creations has a team of professional Graphic Designers on staff, and our main goal is to work with you to find creative solutions for your business needs.
Our goal is to help brand your company. Our services include: Logo Design, Brochure Design, Signage, Advertisements, as well as other promotional material.
If you are using our Video Production services, our designers work with you and our production team to design creative DVD labels and cases to showcase your event, whether it is for a dance recital, wedding, recruiting video, or slide show.
Video Creations is ready to service you and add your business to our list of growing clientele.
Contact Michelle Cote at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Creation of the Video Creations logo
The Video Creations logo was born in early 2006. The goal of graphic artist Michelle Cote (then Faucher) was to showcase the company's several facets individually, yet in congruence with each other.
After much deliberation, and long nights sketching (weeks away from her wedding), Cote developed Video Creations' logo.
The three main colors which make up the design are red, green and blue. These colors make up the color palette commonly referred to as RGB, and are used every day by people in the video and web design world.
It is from these three basic colors, and the way they interact and emit light, that we see the vast spectra of colors onscreen.
The intermixing of RGB's color spectrum can be compared to those same levels of red, green and blue in the human eye's inner rods and cones, which make up what one sees.
Video Creations' three main features - Full-Service Video Production, Transfer & Duplication, and Rentals - are symbolized by the logo's individual stems, and are rooted together at its base, thus forming more colors and variations.
Considering that Video Creations is made up from features which are video-related, the three colors of RGB were an appropriate choice for incorporation in the logo.
Next time you are in Shoppers Village, Kennebunk, stop by Video Creations. You will see its walls and general color scheme greatly reflect the colors of its logo.